Monday, 12 September 2011

The Cargo Commander Font!

A closer look at the Cargo Commander font specially made for the game. Visit Teo's website for more illustration and fonts:

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Cargo Commander Logo!

Whooohoo I finished the Cargo Commander logo. Now we only have to finish the game.... I have to work harder!

And a big heartly thank you goes out to Teo Tuominen. He's responisble for the awesome font! Visit him on:

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Get ready for some serious brew!

Our first version of our logo animation!
 Welcome to our dev blog!

To celebrate this touching moment we are going to share with you our first version of our ident introduction animation thingy.We hope to have some awesome michael bay like audio to go with it soon.
We hope to post some more info about our first project:"Cargo Commander" asap. There is a beta coming up soon so you can tell us what we did wrong. We have been working on our first game for a couple of months now, learning Unity and try to be professionals, putting this site together, making phonecalls, selfdoubting, selfloathing, money spending, long hours and

hard work!

It was quite an exciting time after we left our former employee where we "grew up". We had great time working on the Overlord franchise, where we could endulge in our puberescent fantasies. But we can now endulge in our own puberescent fantasies with our own games!
So enjoy your stay and visit us every now and again!